Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Language of Thieves

When you think of the word “slang” what comes to mind? Almost certainly no one thought of phrases such as “shut your pie hole”, “fiddle sticks”, and “gosh darn it”, all phrases that we have either used ourselves or heard someone else say at least once in our lives. Though most people know the meanings of such phrases they are considered slang terms which essentially contradicts the definition of the term slang. To clarify, the term slang derives from the word “slenja” which literally translates to “sling the jaw” and in Shakespearian days slang was a way to keep the world oblivious to conversations between thieves.

Partially because of its historical context many would argue that slang is a derogatory language used specifically for concealment as the teacher believed in the article entitled Slang: A Lesson in Ninth-Grade Composition. On the contrary, others, such as the student in the story, would argue that slang is a way of expressing oneself in a relevant manner to prevent being excessively vindictive. One thing that the teacher and student agreed upon was slang could be taken in a positive context. For instance, “window shopping”, “speeding”, and even “has-been” are phrases that have been widely accepted by the American culture because they are said to be unobjectionable and also because there are no other words in the English language to describe such thoughts. After all is said and done, slang is what you make of it. Since not everyone understands slang terms it can be used to conceal a conversation, but, slang can also be used to express oneself when shouting expletives is not quite appropriate.

Now that you know a little more about the history of slang you should share some of your favorites with the rest of the class. In the comment area please share at least one term that you use instead of resorting to profanity. Example: “fiddle sticks”.


Raquel Maxey said...

"Shucks" and "gee whiz" are favorites to use in a joking manner, but when I curse, I usually just say what I think. I hardly ever use slang.

Gee whiz, I wish not my gall'durned self used it now.

Emily Muren said...

"Son of a bee sting!" and "HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL!" are my two favorite things to say!

Bradley Palm said...

I frequently use "bulljive" myself. It not only suffices to leave out the other less eloquent suffixes that can be put on the word "bull" but has a nice, hip ring to it as well. Try it out!

Sharon Espina said...

I really enjoy slang, and I do not believe that it is a bad thing. I think that it is fun to say and sometimes it can be less offensive than what you really want to say. These are some that I frequently use: "freaking a", "spiffy/nifty", "frillz", there are so many that I use, that I can't even think of the ones I use commonly.

Sarah Klingler said...

"It's none of your beezwax!" It makes me laugh, because when I was in grade school that was the cool thing to say.

Jacob Talbert said...

I use the word "pud." Pud has many different meanings. Usually, a pud is a guy who treats girls in a fashion I find unacceptable. A pud can also be a guy who needs to get his life in order or who needs to come down off his high horse.

Maddison Green said...

I say "f'n a" all of the time.

Jennifer Gulley said...

I use "gosh darn it" a lot. One day my 9 year-old son even pointed out that I had used that phrase "like five times in the last few minutes."(He is so cute!) I am not a big fan of cursing because I think that there is always a better word to use (even if it sounds a little bit corny). I also think that most people become more aware of the appropriateness of their language when they have kids and/or work with them.

Alexandra Rude said...

I don't really use slang while swearing. However, one of my friends constantly says "son of a bisnatch."

Ashley Epps said...

"Son of a biscuit" and " Oh S.ugar H.oney I.ce T.ea" are definitely two of my favs!

Melisa Ogle said...

I say "holy mother" all the time...and eff instead dropping the f-bomb.

Donald said...

My friends and I have some pretty far out slang that we use with one another because we have known each other for so long. It's almost impossible to explain it to other people who may overhear us. one example is...
(insert whatever person or subject we are talking about)...and then add "hardly knew her" behind it.
yeah, I know doesn't make too much sense, but WE know what we're talking about.

Leah West said...

I use so much slang its hard to give just one example (that is kind of sad)but when I'm with my god son, or anyone younger than me, instead of cursing I tend to say golly, gosh darn it, and shoot (I tend to use this one if I hurt myself like if I hit my toe on the wall or something) kick rocks is also a favorite of mine

Kenneth Stoner said...

I frequently use "Son of a gun" and "Doggone it". I try never to curse, even when I'm not around my son, because I'm afraid that I would slip up in front of him or eventually in front of my class. Also, instead of talking about someone going nuts or ape s..., my wife and I say that someone is going "ape nuts"

Marissa Freese said...

"son of bee!!" This is probably my number one non vulgar slang term or cursing. And other one I picked up from that one Orbit commercial: "What the french, toast?!" :0)

Brian Harris said...

Sometimes I will say "fuu.... and then end like "fuuunnn" or start saying "shiii..." and end saying "shiooooot"

Heather Mormino said...

Mother of pearl and what the crap are some of my usual slang, but I have a new catchphrase every day so it's hard to keep up.

Laura Treat said...

Hm...I think I use the word 'yikes' a lot. As far as substitution for profanity...I have a friend who constantly says "Shi....tocki mushrooms." No idea why. :D