Sunday, August 24, 2008

Using Adverbs Abundantly -- "Tom Swifties"

Today, we are going to introduce ourselves to one another. Why didn't we do this the first day of class? Because... there were still people switching and dropping courses, and finally finding out that we're not business English ;-)

After hearing about everybody for approximately 10 minutes altogether, we'll work in groups, so you'll get to know your neighbors.

First task (everyone on his/her own):
Go to the following website and learn what "Tom Swifties" are.

Task 2:

Get together in groups of 3-4. Go to the following webpage (and other related ones you find yourself). Your group's task is to create a 12-item test for another group that this group has to solve. Get the emails of the other group's members, and email them your quiz. The group that solves most of the 12 items it gets from another group wins!! You need to retype Tom Swifties that you find on the webpage, but you leave out the last word, i.e., the pun, for the group to fill in the blank.


1. How do you start a model-T Ford without a battery?" asked Tom _____________ .

(answer: CRANKILY)

2. "I have to wear this cast for another six weeks," said Tom _________________ .


3. "I'm shocked," said Tom _____________________ .


You should select sentences that people are able to guess when they think hard.

EMAIL me your 12-item quiz (with solutions). Only one per group, please! Indicate your group members names in this email (because you'll all get points for the quiz).

Task 3:

Invent 1-3 Tom Swifties on your own!!! Publish them as a comment to this blog. If you work in groups, indicate all your names on your blog entry. If you can't finish in class, this will be homework for Wednesday.


Andre Dyson said...

"I love Will Smith movies", Will said willingly.

"I prefer Haynes myself", Louis said briefly.

Andre Dyson said...
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Raquel Maxey said...

"I can't find the sewing kit," Tom pointed out.
"FIRE!" Dick said alarmingly.

Sharon Espina said...

"I love donuts," Tom said with his eyes glazed over.

Alexandra Rude said...

"I gave up chocolate for lent, but ate some on the first day," Tom insinuated.

"The Holocaust was a terrible event in history," said Anne frankly.

Sarah Klingler said...

"Get you dog out of my yard," Tom barked.

"Mow my yard," said Tom like he was a cut above the rest.

Brian Harris said...

"Here are the scissors," Tom said cuttingly.

"I like bowling," Tom said sparingly.

Jennifer Gulley said...

"The jury is still out," Tom said deliberately.

"I hit the other car," blurted Tom accidentally.

"I wish I could remember what I needed from the grocery store," said Tom listlessly.

Laura Treat said...

"The sunshine is so nice today!" Tom said brightly.

"I really hate changing light bulbs," Tom said darkly.

"I just won first place at the race!" Tom said quickly.

Ashley Epps said...
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Ashley Epps said...

"I think I'm going to fry some chicken tonight," Tom said tenderly.

"I hate lifting weights at the gym," Tom said weakly.

Sharita Haralson said...

I did not set the girl on fire," John said litterally.

" I am sure the donkey is wearing a red sweater," said Tom assuredly.

"I would never interrupt you," Tom said interjectedly.

Emily Muren said...

"I think I am going to break up with her tonight," said Tom heartlessly.

"Ah! It's cold in here," Tom said icily.

Melisa Ogle said...

"This is not the ice cream I ordered," said Tom coldly.

"The sum of the last two number is also the same as the first equation," Tom added.

Leah West said...

"It's homemade soup," said Tom uncannily.

"I need an injection," Tom pleaded in vain.

Gordon Smith said...

"She is running to the store", Tom said swiftly.

"The car is running out of gas", Tom sputtered.

Heather Mormino said...

"I can't see the door", said Tom blindly.

"I'm not a sinner", said Tom proudly.

Donald said...

"I can't think of any Tom Swifties at all", Don said blankly.

"I can't remember any of the names of the Great Lakes" Jim said Eerily.

"Pinocchio has been lying again" Susan said woodenly.

Jacob Talbert said...

"I found the markers," Tom said sharply.

Kenneth Stoner said...

"I am not wearing makeup", Tom said with a straight face.

"No jalapeƱos for me", Tom said mildly.

Marissa Freese said...

"I don't care who I have to kill, I will be king!" Tom said shaking his spear.

"I love lemons," Tom said tartly.

Lori Bedell said...

"That was a speedy checkout," Tom said quickly.

"What a surprise seeing you here," Tom said surprisingly.

"It was a shock she died so sudden," Tom said electrically.

Lori Bedell said...

"That was a speedy checkout," Tom said quickly.

"What a surprise seeing you here," Tom said surprisingly.

"It was a shock she died so sudden," Tom said electrically.