Monday, October 13, 2008

In-Class Monday, Oct. 13, and homework for 15th

Today, we created our survey templates.

I have labeled them, so that we can find them easily - you are not my only class that is taking surveys right now, so there will soon be lots of other surveys out there.

If you're looking for your survey, open with the login and password I have given you in class, go to "Current Folder," click on the black arrow for the labels, and select the label "grammarians300-1,Fall2008." This will take you to the surveys of our class (and nobody else's).

There are TWO (identical) surveys under our label that are not named correctly. They are called "CDS" and "Student Survey." I am going to delete those shortly. You HAVE TO name your survey lastname_topic; otherwise, they are void, since I can't verify whose they are. The responsible person, please repair this! Otherwise, you'll lose them on Wednesday, Oct. 15th, and have to start anew.

HOMEWORK for Wednesday, Oct. 15th:

Bring the 16 other questions (we finished the 4 items for demographics in class) you want to ask about your topic (either on paper, or in an email), so that all you have to do is to type them into the online builder, and figure out the technical components, such as matrices. Make sure you have some one-choice-only items, some multiple-answers-possible items, some matrices, some open-answer text fields, etc. If you don't vary your items, your survey will appear boring.

If you haven't done so yet, copy the word document we created together in class (the introduction to your survey), and paste it with "Edit" in the header of your survey. Make sure you did change the date, your name, and the grammatical errors!!!

For those who missed class today - this is what your intro should contain:

1. identify your teacher, course, and university
2. mention whom you are going to interview (your audience)
3. state your research purpose (what you want to find out)
4. mention that you don't need consent of IRB and HSC, because...
5. mention that your survey is anonymous, for in-class use only, and not for publication
6. mention deadline for data submission (how long they can answer before you need the results. ATTENTION: we didn't agree on a date yet, so you can leave the date blank for now!)
7. mention that interviewees can receive the survey results by emailing you at your email
8. mention that taking this survey does not take longer than 10 min.
9. thank the interviewees for their time/cooperation.


I, first name last name, am a student from Dr. Christina Voss' English 300-1 Language Analysis class at SIUC. For my Fall 2008 project I am exploring the opinions of foreign language instructors to ascertain whether African American English (AAE) is worthy of foreign language status. This survey does not need the consent of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Human Subject Committee (HSC), because I am using this information as an in-class activity only; it is anonymous, and not for publication; I am not taking any blood samples; and I am not surveying minors. The deadline for taking this survey is November 10th, 2008. If you would like to receive the results of this survey, please feel free to email me at This survey will take you about 10 minutes to complete. Thank you very much for your time.

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